We Reinvented the Way to Analyze Matches and Training.

A completely automated flow. Tag events and create highlights without losing time. Tak is a tool tailored for professionals and amateurs.

Contact us

Tak live

Anyone can tag an event through their smartphone, smartwatch or even by using voice command.

A live tagging system for games and training.

Sign in


Place the camera


Tag events


Create tactical highlights


Team platform

1. Place the camera

Thanks to our partnership with Pixellot, we can provide smart cameras specifically developed for football.

Highest video quality. Tactic view.

2. Tag events

Anyone can tag an event through their smartphone, smartwatch, or even by using voice command.

3. Create tactical highlights

Highlights are automatically generated from the tags. Clips are automatically cut out and then stored on the Kama platform thanks to an innovative API system.

4. Team platform

Explore and collect data, stats, and video through your management software and Kama app. Share your analytics with your team and players.

Tak is a unique, comprehensive and fully automated system.